Avukat Süleyman Mert Soysal
Att. Süleyman Mert Soysal has worked for prestigious law firms with multinational client base inIstanbul practicing especially in the areas of intellectual property, information, commerce andcompanies, healthcare, media and advertising law since 2006 and now he established Soysal LawFirm in 2015 for direct service to the clients in these practice areas and more. After establishing hisown office, Mr. Soysal provides consultancy services to clients, in particular for following casesregarding trademarks, patents, design, intellectual and industrial property rights. He also providesservices to his clients in the acquisition and citizenship of foreign people in Turkey.
Suleyman Soysal is a member of DEİK (Foreign Economic Relations Board) and the Supervisory Boardof UFRAD Franchising Association and has serious work on franchise law. He provides seminars onthis field, writes articles and advises clients on the preparation of franchise agreements.
Avukat Onur Alper ulusal ve uluslararası birleşme ve devralma konularında uzmanlaşmıştır. Bu yönde birçok sözleşme hazırlamış, müzakerelerde aktif rol oynamıştır.
Onur Alper ayrıca; inşaat, enerji ve teknoloji alanlarında faaliyet gösteren ulusal ve uluslararası müvekkillere günlük ihtiyaçlarından doğan hukuki konularda danışmanlık hizmeti vermektedir. Bununla birlikte startup sürecindeki şirketleri girişim sermayesi ile melek yatırımcı bulma konusunda temsil etmektedir.
Soysal Law Firm; was founded by Süleyman Mert Soysal, Attorney at Law, in 2015 in Istanbul. Att. Süleyman Mert Soysal has worked for prestigious law firms with multinational client base in Istanbul practicing especially in the areas of intellectual property, information, commerce and companies, healthcare, media and advertising law since 2006 and now he established Soysal Law Firm in 2015 for direct service to the clients in these practice areas and more.
Soysal Law Firm equates needs of its clients with its own needs, and prioritizes the client demand at all times. Our client service is fully supported by a young, dynamic and enthusiastic team and experience and background and corporate understanding acquired through working for almost 15 years in leading law firms operating in the multinational arena. Accordingly our Law Firm aims at dedicating its teamwork for speedy but comprehensive and efficient solutions to our clients who are involved in legal disputes and proceedings during their ordinary commercial operations.
Soysal Law Firm, positively contributes to its domestic practice by following up on changes within the legal system of business world through numerous professional memberships and conferences. We, as Soysal Law Firm offer services in the following areas of practice in general.
Avukat İdil Atik
Avukat İdil Atik Att. İdil Atik was graduated from University of Bahçeşehir in 2007 She is admmitted to Istanbul BarAssociation. İdil Atik has significant experience in the field of debt enforcement and bankruptcy law,family law and labour law. She provides services to clients in the field of carrying out execution andbankruptcy proceedings for the purpose of collecting receivables, drafting protocols for debtliquidation negotiations and amicable agreements made between the debtor or creditor client andthe other party.
Haydar Özdemir
Haydar Özdemir graduated in 1999 from Scuola Professionale Di Moda Scarpe in Italy. He hasprovided consultancy services to Italy's leading companies, especially in the shoe industry, on design.Özdemir, who is currently operating in Turkey on design consultancy, is a representative of Italianand German companies in Turkey. Haydar Özdemir fluently speaks Italian and English.
Our Team
Activities of Soysal Law Firm
Practice Areas
Providing consultancy services regarding rights on trademarks, patents, designs and utility models, as well as following litigations arising from disputes
Executing investigation, registration, protection and transfer procedures of trademarks, patents,designs and utility models on national and international scales
Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku çerçevesinde başlıca çalışma alanlarımız:
- Telif Hakları,
- Marka,
- Patent,
- Tasarım
- Korsanla Mücadele
- Sahtecilikle Mücadele
Nowadays, technology changes very rapidly. Ability to keep up with such changes brings in innovation, speed, effective solutions and material gains for the companies while it also imposes legal responsibilities on the other hand. Because the technological changes take the information sharing to the highest level. However, given the fact that not all the information sharing is used positively and that there are many security vulnerabilities in technological development, it is inevitable for the companies to obtain legal advice in order to minimize legal responsibilities caused by such technological applications. For this reason we offer legal support to our clients especially in the following areas:
- E-commerce and Licensing of Technological Products
- Internet Security and Protection of IT Assets
- Protection of Personal Data
- Software Agreements
The companies are offered legal support during their establishment and operations.
- Performing the formalities for the establishment of companies
- Corporate Reorganization
- General Legal Assistance and Litigation Services
Like in any other markets, the healthcare sector is also vibrant one with increasing number of players. The fact that number of companies and daily needs increase day by day in this sector causes the healthcare legislation to be updated frequently. Soysal Law Firm offers professional legal support in preventing any possible infringements and take immediate actions against actual infringements. At the same time, we represent our clients in legal and penal actions filed for medical malpractice. Besides, our legal support includes the precautionary or enforcement measures against infringements involving the pharmaceutical and medical products of the pharmaceutical companies in the sector.
- Follow up of Malpractice Actions
- Advisory Services and Litigation Follow Up For Legal Liabilities of Private Hospitals
- Combat against Counterfeit or Imitated Drugs
Another secialization area of Soysal Law Firm is the media and advertising law. In the media branch, support is provided in regard to operating conditions of the firms and licensing in the advertising branch, we provide legal support in regard to promotion, advertising, campaigns, sweepstakes and contests.
- Legal Support Concerning Operating Conditions of Media Firms and Licensing
- Legal Support Concerningthe Points to take into Consideration in Advertisement of the Commercial Enterprises
Fundamentally, the content of the work we carry out in this area consists of the measures to prevent fraud, intellectual property and internet crimes that almost all commercial enterprises have faced at least once in their business lives, although the said service area seems like a new area. In this context, legal support is provided to our clients in terms of the actions to be taken in case of realization of the potential violations. Our clients are represented before the courts at the phase of trial against crime. In the meantime, we provide legal support to commercial enterprises with our expert staff we are working with, concerning the money laundering and smuggling.
With its volume approaching $50 billion, the franchise industry has begun to play animportant role in commercial life.In this context, we provide our clients with detailed serviceregarding franchise law in all aspects, in order to prepare master franchise, franchise, sub-franchise contracts in accordance with each of them' demands.
Our law firm provides legal consultancy services in the field of Law of Foreigners with experienced lawyers and foreign consultants. Within this scope;
Applying for, following and concluding procedures for citizenship for foreigners who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship,
Following and concluding procedures for obtaining residence permits and extending residencepermit durations for foreigners who wish to live in Turkey
Following and concluding procedures for obtaining work permits and extending work permitdurations for foreigners who plan to be employed in Turkey and applying for, following andconcluding procedures of obtaining family residence permits for spouse and children through thesponsorship of persons who have the work permit in Turkey.