Süleyman Mert Soysal
Att. Süleyman Mert Soysal has worked for prestigious law firms with multinational client base in Istanbul practicing especially in the areas of intellectual property, information, commerce and companies, healthcare, media and advertising law since 2006 and now he established Soysal LawFirm in 2015 for direct service to the clients in these practice areas and more. After establishing his own office, Mr. Soysal provides consultancy services to clients, in particular for following cases regarding trademarks, patents, design, intellectual and industrial property rights. He also provides services to his clients in the acquisition and citizenship of foreign people in Turkey.
Suleyman Soysal is a member of DEİK (Foreign Economic Relations Board) and the Supervisory Boardof UFRAD Franchising Association and has serious work on franchise law. He provides seminars onthis field, writes articles and advises clients on the preparation of franchise agreements.
Soysal Law Firm; was founded by Süleyman Mert Soysal, Attorney at Law, in 2015 in Istanbul. Att. Süleyman Mert Soysal has worked for prestigious law firms with multinational client base in Istanbul practicing especially in the areas of intellectual property, information, commerce and companies, healthcare, media and advertising law since 2006 and now he established Soysal Law Firm in 2015 for direct service to the clients in these practice areas and more.
Soysal Law Firm equates needs of its clients with its own needs, and prioritizes the client demand at all times. Our client service is fully supported by a young, dynamic and enthusiastic team and experience and background and corporate understanding acquired through working for almost 15 years in leading law firms operating in the multinational arena. Accordingly our Law Firm aims at dedicating its teamwork for speedy but comprehensive and efficient solutions to our clients who are involved in legal disputes and proceedings during their ordinary commercial operations.
Soysal Law Firm, positively contributes to its domestic practice by following up on changes within the legal system of business world through numerous professional memberships and conferences. We, as Soysal Law Firm offer services in the following areas of practice in general.
İdil Atik
Att. İdil Atik was graduated from University of Bahçeşehir in 2007. She is admitted to Istanbul Bar Association. İdil Atik has significant experience in the field of debt enforcement and bankruptcy law, family law and labour law. She provides services to clients in the field of carrying out execution and bankruptcy proceedings for the purpose of collecting receivables, drafting protocols for debtliquidation negotiations and amicable agreements made between the debtor or creditor client and the other party.
Haydar Özdemir
Haydar Özdemir graduated in 1999 from Scuola Professionale Di Moda Scarpe in Italy. He has provided consultancy services to Italy's leading companies, especially in the shoe industry, on design. Özdemir, who is currently operating in Turkey on design consultancy, is a representative of Italian and German companies in Turkey. Haydar Özdemir fluently speaks Italian and English.

Fatih Yalınbaş is an expert in the field of Intellectual Property and has been providing professional service as a Patent and Trademark Attorney since 2005 He has a great deal of expertise on various fields of sciences. He has been involved invarious research projects and conducted academic studies on nano particles obtained by lasers, optical fibers and laserbeams.
During his Masters programme (between 2001 – 2004) at Uludağ University, he focused on advanced micro electronics and control algorithms. He has specialized on Computational Intelligence (CI) matters especially Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks via completing a thesis on Embedded Micro controllers and PLCs that can process Fuzzy Logic algorithms.
He had been general manager of Uludağ University Technology Transfer Office for two years (2013 – 2015) He has managedimportant projects such as the commercialization of academic inventions, the development of projects in university-industry collaboration and the increasing the number and quality of R&D centers in Bursa.
He drafted and prosecuted over 1000 patents and managed thousands of European Patent validations in Turkey. He is also a Technology Transfer expert since 2007 He managed various License Agreements signed between companies from different countries. Fatih Yalınbaş is a member of The International Association for the Protect Intellectual Property (AIPPI) and International Trademark Association (INTA).

Kaan Atagün is an expert in the field of trademark and patent since 2010 He has been providing service to over 2000 domestic and international customers.
Kaan Atagün who has especially with an extensive network and business partnerships in countriesabroad, executes trademark, design and patent registration transactions of exporting Turkish companies.
Kaan Atagün has not only provided training for trademark and design to non-governmental organizations, export associations and many chamber of commerce in Turkey but also carried out aduty as a director and chairman of a number of platforms. He currently holds the presidency of Business Network International platform in Nişantaşı.
Şevval Şen
Şevval Şen was graduated from Özyeğin University in 2020. She provides legal consultancy on legal issues in daily commercial transactions of local and global companies operating in the areas of automotive, food sector and logistics and advises companies on preventative measures to mitigate such problems. She gains ground on consultancy and litigation related to Labor Law in disputes on reemployment, labor receivables, declaratory law suits, occupational accidents and occupational diseases. ŞevvalŞen has completed Ethical Leader Academy, Comparative Turkish German Criminal Law-Göttingen University, Labor And Social Security Law trainings. She speaks fluently German.